About Michelle


I am so happy you are here!

Wholeness is our true essence and healing is our birthright and in our healing, we are whole. Though we may disconnect from the truths that we are enough, whole, and unconditionally loved, we are never actually that far from ourselves. Healing is a journey of remembering again and again that we are whole. There is nothing that can truly separate us from this wholeness, not even our most profound pain or deepest wounds. In fact, the place of our deepest pain is the portal into our healing.

I am an integrative and holistic therapist, seeking to shift the paradigm of mental health treatment away from pathology and toward the truth: our wounding does not make us broken. Therapy is a process of unlearning all that we have come to believe about ourselves that is not serving us and reconnecting with who we truly are. You have the wisdom you are seeking outside of yourself and our work together provides a container for you to access your own answers.

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